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4 Women and a Photo Shoot

You know when you meet someone who you just REALLY hit it off with? Their jokes make you burst out laughing, their sarcasm is just what you love, and they totally get you without even having to ask for more information...? Well, a couple of months ago at the Bliss B4 Laundry retreat, I met a woman named Emily, who said she wanted to take my picture. We were instant besties. Emily was the photographer (Emily D Photography) that weekend and asking women if they would have their picture taken for a "story" type promo they were doing.I jumped at the chance. Then, once my jaw and belly started to hurt, I realized that Emily should also be a comedian because of how much she completely made me crack up during our 10 minute session. Insta-love.

When we were back in the city post-retreat, Emily told me about an amazing package she was working on with 2 other amazing entrepreneurs. The package includes a Style Session with Suzanne Colmer from Your Shop Girl, who also happens to be our Style Trailblazer, a full face of gorgeous makeup by Shira Ben from The Beauty Movement, and a headshot session with Emily. I wanted ALL OF IT. So I did it.

The Style Session with Suzanne

Suzanne is one who has an eye like no other, so when I met her at Fresh Collective in Kensington, she instantly knew what worked for me, what didn't, what colours, shapes, styles etc. But what I love most about Suzanne...? When she said "at the end of the day, wear what looks and feels good to YOU - but keep in mind, your shape looks best with...etc. And don't let me hear you say the word leggings." In all seriousness though, she never made me feel silly for my style choices, but she did REALLY educate me and showed me how good I actually COULD look if I wore the right things. WIN! If you need ANY help at all in the style department, Suzanne is your girl. Find here here.

The Makeup Session with Shira

Shira started off our session by asking me what kind of makeup I normally wear, and then had fun playing up my regular look. I told her I'm all about the eyes...and she got super giddy about that. You can tell this gal really loves what she does because the passion just oozes out of her as she describes her past clients, what she loves about her business, and why she is so crazy excited to accentuate the beauty of women every day. Shira also helped me out with a frizzy hair day and made me feel super hot. If you are getting married or know anyone who is/need makeup done...check her out!

The Photo Sesh with Emily

Not only is Emily D a brilliant photographer, but she's also a really smart, heart-centered and driven business woman. So, I thought it only fitting to interview her and share her responses. I know they will inspire, and also show off her beautiful talent in the process. How I personally felt while getting my picture taken? Important, beautiful, happy, full of joy and grateful for this gorgeous soul to share the time with.

  1. Describe your business/career/what you do/how you got started:

I have a portrait photography business in Toronto, Ontario. When I got married 8 years ago I became obsessed, er, I mean, fascinated by photographers and their careers. I met with some really lovely photographers who indulged me by kindly answering all of my questions that had nothing to do with my wedding. My friend, Catherine Farquharson, was particularly kind. She photographed my good friends wedding and we really hit it off. She casually mentioned leading a photography retreat in Costa Rica and I convinced my friend to come along. I bought a camera the week we were set to leave on the trip. Once I came back from Costa Rica I became even more interested and spent all of my time learning new photography techniques and reading inspiring stories of women in business. My sweet husband indulged me through this process. After 2 years we had a baby and my world cracked open. I took a class at Ryerson and my assignment was to photograph my relationship with my daughter. This was the first time I fully understood the power of photography, how to tell a story and what my role was that could help or hinder the telling of a story.

Fast forward to 7 years later, 2 sweet kids and I’ve lost count the number of clients I have worked with and I photograph families and businesses -- basically things that move.

2. What ignited the spark in you to start your business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business? How did the idea for your business come about?

I always knew that I wanted to work for myself and had hundreds of ideas until I started taking photos and everything clicked. My love for people was perfectly married with my ability to surprise and delight them.

3. What sets you apart from other entrepreneurs/companies in your line of work?

My photographs are about the connection people have with their families, themselves and their businesses. I feel humbled by my job as a photographer and to be entrusted with the task of translating what someone feels and helping them visually bear witness to it. I love working with people but not on the surface. I love working with them and having them really trust me enough to drop the curtain.

*Natalie Interjecting here to show you just what she means about translating how someone feels and bear witness to it. I have never seen the real me like I do in these shots. Thank you Emily!*

4. What has been your biggest failure? How did you overcome it?

Giving things away for free and bartering. I hired a business coach, Hina Khan, who told me within the first five minutes of our call that bartering wasn’t allowed for 6 months.

5. What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

I don’t see them as a sacrifice. I could probably spend more time with my kids or husband or at the gym but I wake up happy most of the time. My kids are funny little hug monsters and I still laugh out loud at my husband’s jokes. My particular season of life with small kids and a 5 year old business is busy but if I’m not working or mothering or being a friend and wife life becomes boring.

6. How have you changed since becoming a successful entrepreneur?

I’m unapologetic about my gifts and talents and what I have to offer to the world.

7. Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?

I’ll have 3 or 4 permanent staff - 2 associate photographers and 1 or 2 support staff that take care of everything that involves admin related tasks. We work out of a big and bright lovely studio. I have a few more kiddos and my family and I sneak away for a month each year to hang out and loaf around.

So - there it is. My awesome experience and a new Member We seriously LOVE.

All of the pictures posted above are done by her (except for the ones she's in).

For information on the package I had or any other service offered by Emily - contact her here.

You'd be surprised at the authentic, beautiful you that lies within just DYING to be seen.

In Happiness & Health,

Natalie Colallillo

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