A wizard is defined as someone with magical powers, a person with an amazing skill or accomplishment. This is not that moment when you start looking behind you to see who I am speaking about. Let's explore for a moment.

As a child I sat watching starry eyed as the epic adventure of The Wizard of Oz played out in all it's magical glory on my parents little tv in our living room. An epic adventure from start to finish it was indeed. Besides the fact that it was filmed right around the time colour was coming to the big screen making it one of the only films of that era to be filmed in both black and white and colour, it was full of all of the Hollywood magic one could dream of. Witches, fairies, munchkins, and of course the proverbial yellow brick road. As a child I was mesmerized. As an adult, I am mesmerized still. But for entirely different reasons.
Little did I know back then that not only was this film progressive for it's use of colour, it was progressive in it's depiction of a scenario that only those with the benefit of hindsight can truly begin to understand.
There was the tornado action at the outset causing Dorothy to be displaced from home. Setting out on the path of the yellow brick road in search of the wise wizard who would use his magical powers and be able to send her home, she begins her journey. Along the yellow brick road Dorothy finds herself up against life triggers, moments of opportunity for her to grow from and she finally arrives at the wizard, only to be disappointed that he is not who she thought he was. Dorothy then comes to the realization that the magic, that everything she required to go home was inside of her the entire time.
It's a beautiful story to learn from and an even more beautiful moment when we realize that we have everything we need to go home. For us the trigger may be different. Divorce, loss of a job, the passing of someone special - these things that happen lead us to the start of the yellow brick road where we begin our journey toward coming home.
So, if you are still looking behind you I invite you to pull out a mirror and hold it up to you. That person staring back at you, she is the one with the magical powers, amazing skills and accomplishments. You are the wizard of you.

Tammy Price
Certified Medical Intuitive