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Cough and Cold Season - Natural Remedies

As the outside temperature continues to drop….what better time to share the love….let’s talk natural cold and cough remedies!

Essential oils were man’s first medicine and I use them, EVERY, SINGLE, DAY! 100% pure, therapeutic essential oils contain the essence and healing prosperities of the plant or tree they are derived from. Next time you are feeling under the weather, try these natural remedies for relief:

Throat and Chest Massage:

Cederwood and Frankincense are often used in combination to combat coughs because they help to loosen mucous and clear the lungs. Dilute and massage these oils on the chest for relief from that nasty cough that is keeping you awake at night.

Sinus Massage:

Sinus congestion can cause terrible discomfort and often leads to sinus headaches. Lavender and Peppermint essential oils are the go to oils for runny nose and sniffles. Mix Lavender, Peppermint and a carrier oil (I like grape seed oil or coconut oil) together and massage your sinuses and apply to your nose for sinus congestion relief. Day or night, this mixture will help you breathe again!

Calming Bath:

There is nothing better than a hot bath when I’m not feeling my best! Adding essential oils to your bath can be soothing, help to ease symptoms of stuffiness and sore throat, and not to mention, you will smell AH-MAZ-ING!!!! Combine 2-8 drops of Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemon, Thyme or Geranium with Epsom salts to your bath and enjoy!

Next time a cold is weighing you down…reach for some tried and tested essential oils! And of course, treat your body well….hydrate, rest and indulge in healthy foods!

Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live!

Emily Sheldrake

Young Living Essential Oils - Wellness Advocate

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