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A Magic Wand for Your Business!

In every Discovery Call with a potential client I start off with the same question:

"Imagine I’m putting a magic wand in your hand. You can wave this wand, and over the next year everything in your business and your life will fall into place perfectly. You’ll have the business of your dreams and everything will just work out with nothing in your way.

Now, what does that look like to you? What would your business and your life look like one year from today?"

Most people are stopped in their tracks.

Typical answers include:

I don’t know. That’s the problem.

Well, I know I would be making more money.

Ummmm… I’d have more clients.

It’s a very unusual way of thinking. We don’t often step back far enough to imagine what we really want to create. And often, we operate from a place of NOT wanting things.

Other typical answers I get are:

I want to not feel like I’m hustling all the time.

I want to not feel so stressed.

I want to not have to worry about money so much.

But in this Discovery Call conversation, we paint the picture of what people really want. And it’s very exciting.

For some people it’s a space to grant themselves permission to truly say it for the first time.

It’s often there, waiting to be spoken, but we have feelings about actually saying it.

It may seem outrageous to say things like:

I want to make full time pay but only work part-time.

I want a business where I’m free to travel.

I want to build a team so I can earn passive income.

I want to use my knowledge of astrology to help people.

I want to be a known name in my field all across the country.

We have ideas about all these things.

It may seem greedy, lazy, flaky, silly, or conceited because of beliefs we formed about work and money.

It may seem like something that someone else could achieve, but not us.

And that’s, of course, because of past beliefs we formed about ourselves.

So for many, my Discovery Call is a chance for people to say what has been unspoken.

To put a voice to their dreams for the very first time.

And it is always amazing.

I’ll go ahead and share some of the things I want to create for myself next with my magic wand:

  • I want to buy a cottage and spend summers there while I work remotely part-time coaching people.

  • I want to have all my businesses be able to operate without me, and generate income for me, so I can be free to do whatever is next for me.

  • I want to be someone who is widely known to provide opportunities and inspiration for other people.

  • I want a national TV show about business.

  • I want people to say about me, “Everything she touches turns to gold”.

So have a think about it. What would you do with your magic wand?

And if you’d like to have this conversation with me, go ahead and book a (free) Discovery Call.

You may just amaze yourself with the possibilities.

Laura-Jean is a Toronto based entrepreneur and Business Coach as well as a trailblazer with Happy Healthy Women Toronto West.

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