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Do You Feel Nourished?

We do our best on a daily basis to eat healthy. We tell ourselves:

“I am going to eat more healthy!”

Sound familiar?

We try but life gets in the way – it becomes harder to make good food choices because our to-do list grows at a rate faster than the 24 hours in a day! We succumb to convenience food options that have been over-refined, over-processed & adulterated, stripping food of its nutrients & adding too many calories. How many times have you ever been too tired to cook dinner & then gone through the fast food drive thru? We’ve all been there!

Thankfully, to give your body the nourishment it needs, nature offers us a multi-vitamin that hasn’t been synthetically manufactured in a lab:

Moringa Oleifera.

Moringa has been referred to as the miracle tree & is accepted by the scientific community as the most nutrient dense botanical on earth with many healing & health properties!

Before I started taking moringa everyday, I always felt low on energy & not quite satisfied, especially when I was stressed! Now I take it daily and I am on FIYAH - I feel nourished & full of energy, ready to tackle the day.

Why is moringa so awesome?

  • It’s a popular new super food

  • It’s consumed by 40+ distinct & isolated cultures

  • It’s packed with 90+ vitamins, minerals, proteins antioxidants, omega oils & other benefits

  • It is one of the richest plant sources of vitamins A, B, C, D, E & K

  • It contains vital minerals like calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese & zinc

In fact, dried Moringa leaves contain:

  • 10x vitamin A of carrots

  • 17x calcium of milk

  • 15x potassium of bananas

  • 25x iron of spinach

  • 9x protein of yogurt

And the benefits continue!

Taking Moringa as part of your daily regiment has 8 health benefits:

  1. Increased energy

  2. Greater mental clarity

  3. Promotes natural anti-aging benefits

  4. Anti-inflammatory support

  5. Healthy circulation

  6. Helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels

  7. Nourishes the body’s immune system

  8. Promotes healthy digestion

Are you convinced yet?!

But, not all moringa is the same – I consume Zija International’s moringa products daily!

Why is Zija’s moringa the best? Here’s why:

  1. They have the moringa species that is the most nutritious (aka Moringa Oleifera)

  2. It is properly sourced & manufactured optimally

  3. It is shade dried which increases the nutrient value 40x

  4. All parts of the plant are used

  5. It’s provided in the most nutritious & bioavailable form

Its best consumed in liquid form - I love it in my morning smoothie or mixed in a glass of water! You can take one of the 3 core products: Supermix, Smartmix or XM+. My fave is the Supermix!

Consuming this plant on a daily basis makes me feel nourished & gives me the energy & focus I need get through my busy days!

To figure out which product is right for you, feel free to reach out to me at

Nisha is living life unlimited as an avid oiler (essential oils that is) & natural health educator with Zija International! She is an MBA & CMA with 18 years of corporate experience. After experiencing long periods of stress, adrenal fatigue & insomnia Nisha ultimately found herself in burnout. It was only when she was introduced to the healing benefits of Ameo essential oils & Moringa Oleifera, that she became a passionate advocate of the natural health revolution. Nisha is a long distance runner, yogi, hiker & enjoys living an active lifestyle. Her mission is to empower women to live their life unlimited & proactively manage their own health.

To learn more about Nisha visit her website or Facebook page.

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