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Member Spotlight! Katy Loewen, Kamploops, BC Branch Director

Get to know our Newest Branch Director, Katy Loewen! She's pretty awesome!

Q) Describe your business/career/what you do in a few sentences.

A) I am a Leadership & Success Coach. I thrive on watching others win at life. My passion is to help develop unstoppable leaders and coach others to live and lead in their zone of strength. Helping others discover their greatness, their Superpowers is my mission.

Q) What ignited the spark in you to start your business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business? How did the idea for your business come about?

A) I was working what I thought was my ‘dream job’. I trusted my former boss, and was loyal to a fault. You see, I thought we were going to change the world! I started to see cracks. I started to see things within the organization that we no longer in alignment with my values and my ethics. We were beginning to attract the wrong kind of people to the business, and greed started to kick in. It was time for me to move on. It was a decision that took me over 8 months to make, and truly broke my heart. I know what I was born to do- help others discover their greatness. I launched my own coaching practice and have turned my pain into purpose. The disappoints and hurts are there to guide us and teach us, it is okay. We rise strong.

Q) What sets you apart from other entrepreneurs/companies in your line of work?

A) My Zest. My humour, my candidness and straight forward attitude. My coach tells me ‘people are your food and water Katy!’. I believe this! I am in love with what I do, and I do it on my terms.

Q) What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur/business?

A) Tenacity! Consistency! Grit! (you gotta be able to get back up after you fall, and indeed you will fall!)

Q) What book has inspired you the most?

A) I am currently addicted to Brene Brown’s work. She is amazing. The book that changed my life was ‘Strengthsfinder 2.0’ and John Maxwell’s ’21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership'. John is a friend of mine, and a huge influence in my life.

Q) What accomplishment are you most proud of?

A) I am most proud of owning and operating 5 Curves franchises. I was running my companies while my mum was very ill with bone cancer, I had a young family and felt pretty alone - I reached out to people who have gone before me, and found mentors. I immersed myself in personal development. I thrived. I built my companions and then sold them all to my staff- I considered it ‘passing the torch’ and felt very very proud.

Q) What has been your biggest failure? How did you overcome it?

A) The truth is, I fail everyday. Don’t workout, or didn’t work out hard enough, didn’t finish my project, or didn’t spend the proper amount of time on it, didn’t tell my kids I loved them today, didn’t land the client I was so sure I was going to land..... and the list goes on.

For high achieving women, this can kick us in the ass. Our expectations are out of control, and almost untouchable. So everyday requires us to get up, rise up and fail forward.

Failure, it’s a good thing for me. And grace, grace is even better.

Q) What kind of culture exists in your organization? How did you establish this tone and why did you institute this particular type of culture?

A) The culture within any of my companies past and present is 100% acceptance, and value. Anyone who works with me, or for me…knows they are VALUED 100%. Each person brings something so incredible to the table, and we need to honour and respect that. The culture is inclusive, high vining, hard working and fun fun fun! Always FUN!

Q) What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

A) Oh, lots of sacrifices. I’ve always ‘shown up’. I’ve had to toot my own horn when no one else would toot it for me- I’ve endured ridicule from my own family, and friends. I kept showing up.

I’ve given up material luxuries in order to pay of debt, or loans, and NO cable….while others are watching the Bachelorette, I’m reading amazing books! (don’t get me wrong, I love Netflix…and enjoy a good binge now and again!)

Q) How have you changed since becoming a successful entrepreneur?

A) I understand the value of people. People are truly everything. They will make or break a company. You simply cannot replace people. I adore them.

Q) Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?

A) I admire Jillian Harris. She runs a great company and honours her staff. I admire CasaMigo’s, another great company with an awesome culture, and finally, I like a company called Joie Farmhouse (a winery) the staff are family, and I love it.

Q) Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years?

A) Ten years I see myself living full time in Mexico doing a lot of volunteer work and teaching coaches how to coach greatness. xoxo


When Katy’s not coaching, or running around a Sales Floor, you’ll find her at a beach, any beach will do. Maybe on a paddle board, or maybe sharing some chips and guacamole with her husband of 26 years. She lives life out loud. She has an incredible love for people and her greatest joy is watching others win at life.

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