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4 Key Factors for Assessing Your Overall Health

Do you ever wonder “am I healthy” or “how healthy am I”? The World Health Organization defines Health as “the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. So what does that mean for you? As a naturopathic doctor, I'm trained to assess general health, treat medical conditions, and help you improve your overall sense of well-being. And I know that we all know that eating well and exercising are key contributors to overall health, but I’d like to share with you 4 other key factors that you should consider when assessing your level of overall health:

Digestive Health

Your digestive system is key to ensuring that your body absorbs what it needs and eliminates what it doesn't. When it functions optimally your body has the nutrients, energy and proper immune function needed for you to feel good day in and day out. Signs that your digestive system isn’t functioning at its best include: bloating and gas after meals, rashes, constipation, and/or diarrhea. These symptoms can be the result of various causes, such as: your body not being able to digest certain types of foods, an immune reaction, or even an imbalance in the bacterial makeup of your digestive tract. Symptoms can vary in severity from person to person, from minor bloating to severe cramping and pain. In either case, inflammation can occur and lead to long-term health problems. Signs that your digestive tract is functioning well include: daily well-formed bowel movements, that are a medium brown colour, and pass without straining.

Energy Levels

Your energy fluctuates on a daily basis primarily as a response to nourishment, rest, hormones, mood, and activity. Consistently low energy levels are indicative of breakdown in one or more of the processes. I recommend finding the cause of your fatigue versus say supplementing with coffee, which is like putting a bandaid on an infected cut and expecting it to heal properly. While you can’t expect to be bouncing off the walls every day, you should have enough energy daily to comfortably get through your day.


By stress I’m not simply referring to that feeling of overwhelm you experience when don’t feel you can handle a situation, after all you may not feel overwhelmed by your poor diet, lack of sleep, or even by the long hours you're putting into your work on a daily basis, and yet those things are stressful to your body. The result, low energy, depressed mood, weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight, indigestion, frequent illness - just to name a few health problems. Developing effective stress coping mechanisms will help to keep your stress hormone levels balanced. The stress hormone, cortisol, is needed by the body to help you cope with different stressors in your life, as well as to wake you up every morning, but it should not be overused or abused as it can wreak havoc.

State of Mind

I truly believe that the mind is a powerful thing and I don’t think that the mind-body connection can be denied. Mental/emotional difficulties that are not being dealt with, can result in physical health problems. I am strong believer in feeling and expressing your emotions in a healthy way. Having a healthy state of mind can help you get through physical health issues, and stressful challenges more quickly, as well as help you to better appreciate life and live it to the fullest. If you're having challenges, don’t hesitate to seek appropriate care, this may be one the most important things you do for your overall health.

These aren’t the only factors to consider with regard to your health, but they are important ones. Understanding your body, will go a long way in your journey to optimal health. Check-in regularly with yourself, as well as with your naturopathic doctor to ensure you are on the best path.

Dr. Catherine Newry is a trailblazer with the Happy Healthy Women’s Uptown Toronto Branch. As a naturopathic doctor she helps women lead healthy, active lives with more energy, balanced hormones, and improved digestion using nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and health education. If you are interested in more information about assessing your health, contact her at or visit her website:

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