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Practical Weight Loss Tips for the Uber-Busy Professional

Busy professional woman

Ever feel like you need an extra few hours in a day just to get everything done? [Cue: emphatic head nod] No matter how early you get up or stay up, you can still use more time.

When life is pulling at you from umpteenth different angles, staying healthy can be a challenge. Often times, eating well and exercise are the first to fall by the wayside. Wait…exerwhat?

The irony is, you need to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit to be at your best at work and with your relationships.

Read on for 3 simple tips to staying fit for the uber-busy professional.

1. Plan your meals and snacks for the week.

"You can’t out train a bad diet.”

What you eat will have the most impact on your weight management. It trumps exercise.

Meal planning takes the thinking out of what you need to eat as the week unfolds. It saves time, money and energy throughout your week while keeping you on track with your nutrition plan.

Plan your meals and snacks for an entire 7 days. Anticipate special situations such as travel, long meetings, evening events, etc. Pick a day for meal prepping. Make a grocery list and go shopping. When you get home, prep, cook, portion and store away.

Don't forget about snacks for those mid-AM and mid-PM cravings. Protein-rich snacks keep you satiated longer. Try hard-boiled eggs, plain Nonfat Greek yogourt (with or without fruit), nut butter with apple slices, chicken or turkey breast, jerky, veggie sticks and hummus, nuts and seeds, and edamame.

2. Schedule it

"Show me a woman's calendar and I'll show you her priorities"

Yes, I’m talking about exercise. It may seem ironic, but finding time to exercise is critical for the uber-busy professional. Exercise is vital to keep our bodies healthy and minds sharp.

Prioritize your health. Schedule it. Put three 20-minute “exercise” meetings on your calendar this week. Commit to these meetings as if it’s a client meeting.

Try “chunking". Every hour, work 50-minutes and take a 10-minute break. During that break, take a walk outside, do 10 jumping jacks, stretch. You can amass about 6.5 hours of movement in a work week without “working out”. Every bit counts!

3. Get an accountability partner

A study found that there's a 65% probability of completing a goal if you commit to someone that you will do it. If you have an accountability appointment with that person, the probability goes up to 95%! Wow!

So, to increase your chances of achieving your weight management goals, find a reliable accountability partner in a coach, colleague, friend, family, etc. This partner can be a huge asset to help keep you motivated, committed and supported throughout your journey.

If you are interested in exploring how a Fitness and Nutrition coach can help you achieve your goals, please visit or email me at

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Mimie Louie is a Fitness and Nutrition Coach, founder of She specializes in helping busy professional women who want to feel more empowered and free in their body. She helps women get lean and strong, and feel more confident. Her programs are designed to work with a busy woman’s schedule and lifestyle. She is also a Trailblazer in our Etobicoke Branch.

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